Are you looking for a trucking school in Henderson, NV?
Unfortunately, there are none found in the city.
But don’t fret.
Here, we’re going to list the best trucking schools near Henderson, NV. So you don’t have to travel too far to fulfill your CDL requirements.
And to help you pick the best school for you, we’re going to review both private and company-sponsored trucking schools.
So let’s dive right in!
Best Private Trucking Schools Near Henderson, NV
A private trucking school is just like any regular driving school — it will train you how to operate, in this case, a truck.
If that’s what you’re looking for, then here are the best private trucking schools near Henderson, NV:
Let’s review each one.
DTR School of Trucking
Address: 3133 W. Post Rd. Las Vegas, NV, 89118
Phone #: 702-213-3908
DTR School of Trucking understands the rising need for qualified truck drivers. This is why it provides instructors who have extensive experience and knowledge about trucking.
It offers 6 packages to help both beginner and experienced truckers excel. 4 packages are centered around beginners who have never driven trucks before, while the other 2 are for experienced truckers who want to refresh their skills.
Why DTR School of Trucking stands out:
- It has financial aid available for aspiring truckers who don’t have the funds to enroll.
- Students have access to resources for lifelong job placement. You don’t have to worry too much about finding employment.
- It offers job application and interview assistance to help fresh graduates get the job they want.
Liked what you read? Get in touch right away!
You can also leave them a message on their website.
Southwest Truck Driver Training
Address: 4610 Vandenberg Drive, N. Las Vegas, NV, 89081
Phone #: 833-464-0772
Next up is one of the OG trucking schools in Nevada — Southwest Truck Driver Training. This is a family-owned and managed trucking school with over 20 years of experience.
Since then, it has been modified and improved to meet the demand for well-trained truck drivers.
Now you may be thinking, “Oh, they’re an old trucking school. They probably use outdated equipment,” but you’d be wrong! Southwest values its students’ education and experience above all else.
So it’s safe to say that you will be enjoying your classes and on-the-road training with the latest and “freshest” trucks in the state of Nevada.
Why Southwest Truck Driver Training stands out:
- It prioritizes using the best equipment
- It has many years of experience
- It helps veterans through their ‘Military & Veteran Driving Programs’
- It has lifetime job placement programs for USA veterans
- Informative blogs are readily available for anyone who stumbles upon their website and want to learn more about truck driving
We have to admit, Southwest sounds like a cool school that anyone would want to be a part of.
RTDS Truck Driving School
Address: 6149 S Rainbow Blvd Ste J, Las Vegas, NV, 89118
Phone #: 1-855-978-6922
RTDS Truck Driving School is another great training provider near Henderson, NV.
It offers a wide variety of classes specifically designed to ensure that every student learns all the best skills and techniques. In turn, it makes students effective in transporting goods, as well as, maintaining public safety.
Students will be guided by trucking driving instructors who have over 10 years of experience on the road. Plus, you are guaranteed access to some of the highest training programs in all of Nevada.
Why RTDS stands out:
- In-depth training on how to do thorough pre-trip inspections
- Students have access to RTDS’ virtual truck driving simulator to practice driving techniques in different road conditions.
- Financial aid is available for all US veterans
Want to try their programs? Then go and give them a call.
160 Driving Academy
Address: 2281 E Sunset, Suite 1, Las Vegas, NV, 89119
Phone #: 775-210-8468
160 Driving Academy is yet another trucking school that goes above and beyond. It ensures that every single one of its students is well prepared for their careers in truck driving.
As much as possible, they make sure that their students graduate with high marks to attract the eyes of big trucking companies. They even go as far as to make sure that each graduate can get the first-time truck driving positions that pay an average of $65,000 a year.
Why 160 Driving Academy stands out:
- Staff at 160 Driving Academy will work closely with you to find companies that match your career goals.
- 160 Driving Academy devotes time and attention to making sure that every student is equipped with the right know-how to pass the CDL exam in Nevada.
- Students have access to a pool of high-paying employers with the best offers and benefits in the state of Nevada.
Best Company-Sponsored Trucking Schools
Don’t have the money to go with a private trucking school?
Then maybe you should go to a company-sponsored trucking school. These companies will sponsor your education, but, in turn, you have to work for them once you get your CDL.
Does that sound like something you prefer?
Then here are the best company-sponsored trucking schools around the country:
- Ryder – With the increasing gas prices, it can be hard to keep up if your pay only comes every 15 days. With Ryder, they make sure their drivers are paid fairly every week.
You don’t need to have prior truck driving experience. And yes, the company will handle the training fees for you. Get a great job, great pay, and financial security by working with Ryder.
- Schneider – If you are looking for a trucking company that has its own training programs for employees, then Schneider is the one for you.
Get a CDL permit with no expense. Plus, get a guaranteed job with some of the best benefits in the trucking industry as soon as you get your CDL.
Now that you know the best trucking schools near Henderson, NV, let’s talk about a few FAQs to help you out along the way.
Can I take trucking school online in Henderson, NV?
Yes, you can. There are trucking schools in Nevada that offer online classes for busy students. However, this is only the classroom portion. You have to go to school for your truck driving training.
How long are trucking schools in Henderson, NV?
It depends on the school, but the average amount of time for CDL training in Nevada is about 7 weeks.
Do out-of-state truck drivers need to enroll in a trucking school if they want to work in Henderson, NV?
No, you don’t have to re-enroll to a truck driving school in Nevada if you already have an out-of-state CDL.
So those were the best trucking schools near Henderson, NV.
Of course, it sucks that there’s no approved trucking school in the city. Thankfully, however, there are many great ones just nearby.
So go and pick the school that suits your needs and preferences.
Good luck!